Structuring Team Building around a fun Sport Event gets teams working together towards an appropriately challenging common goal, even though team members may have varying degrees of ability and fitness. For people who are less experienced in your team this could be their chance to shine and take control of a situation or coach others!   

We're open to planning whatever works for you but here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Cruiser Bike Treasure Hunt. Cruisers, clues and a whole heap of fun! Clues / puzzles can be personalized to your organization.

  • Learn to ride at the Velodrome. A unique opportunity to learn a new cycling skill in a controlled environment that requires trust and communication with others in your team. 

  • 'Fox Hunt'. Animals are replaced with people on bikes... lots of fun and it ends at a British Pub!

  • Kayak Challenge. Grab a kayak and a team member and head for the bay! Finish with a picnic on the beach.

  • Mini Triathlon. A great way to put a mixture of team members together to complete a mixed discipline event.  

  • Pick a Sport Event. Pick an event and train for it over a number of months with regular meet ups and team training sessions etc culminating in the whole team completing an event together, supported by CCSD Sport Event.

Please contact us, by email or using the form below, and throw us the challenge to create a unique, productive and fun filled day for your team!